The Bergen County Board of Taxation and the New Jersey Division of Taxation has authorized Saddle Brook to perform a reassessment for the 2025 tax year as part of the reassessment program that has been implemented within the Township. The Township has contracted Associated Appraisal Group, Inc. to assist in conducting the Reassessment Program.
The purpose of this inspection is to maintain accurate and current data regarding your property. Associated Appraisal Group, Inc. representatives will carry photo identification and their names will be registered with the Police Department and the Township Clerk’s office. Please advise the occupants of any rental units you may own so they are prepared for the inspection.
Regardless of when a property is visited during this program, the new property values will be determined based on their estimated market value as of October 1, 2024 (the statutory date required by law). It is important to note that while only 20% of properties are being inspected each year; all properties in town will be valued.
Any inquiries with respect to the inspection and/or valuation procedure should be directed to Associated Appraisal Group, Inc. at (201) 493-8530.
Thank you for your cooperation during the reassessment process.
Inspector Locations