The reassessment of Maywood has been completed in accordance with the rules and regulations mandated by the State of New Jersey requiring all real property be appraised at its fair market value. We have made a complete analysis of all recent market data in order to accomplish this task and to determine the value of all properties as of October 1, 2024.
Please do not apply the 2024 tax rate to your new value. The aggregate value of total assessments in Maywood will change for the 2025 tax year; therefore, the tax rate will change.
We have predicted a tax rate of $2.033 (per $100 of assessed value) based on the assessment changes. This estimated tax rate was based on the prior year (2024) tax levy and does not include any potential budget increases in 2025. The exact tax rate cannot be computed until the County, School and Municipal budgets are approved and calculated into the official 2025 tax rate this summer.
$550,000 (New Assessment) x 0.02033 (Estimated new rate before potential budget increase) = $11,182
If you wish to discuss your new 2025 assessed valuation, you may contact Associated Appraisal Group. To schedule an appointment with a representative, call (201) 493-8530 between the hours of 9:30am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. To request a copy of your property record card for review, please email Please allow 24-48 hours to receive your property record card.
Meetings will be conducted up through February 18, 2025, so please call as soon as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation during the reassessment process.
Neighborhood Map
Sales Reports
Assessment Lists
Definitions and Codes